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Your privacy
Due to the General Data Protection Regulation introduced on the 25th May 2018, we are required to ensure that you understand what data we hold, and what we do with it.
Personal Data You Provide
Your privacy is important to us. By providing personal information such as your name and e-mail address via the forms on this website, you agree to us contacting you with regard to the information provided.
Some forms on our website also include a check box asking you for permission to add you to our mailing list. This is an opt-in mailing list and your personal information will be used solely by us (and all such emails include a link for opt-out).
How We Use Your Personal Data
We use the data you provide via this website to:
communicate with you, for example: we use contact details such as email address or phone number when responding to enquiries made via online forms
monitor website trends, for example: we use Google Analytics to help us aggregate traffic so we can monitor how the website is being used
operate our business more effectively, for example: we seek feedback and use this to help improve our service
Our "Lawful Reasons" For Processing Your Personal Data
The "General Data Protection Regulation" (GDPR) is the primary piece of legislation defining your rights over our processing of your personal information. The GDPR requires us to declare which of six "lawful reasons" we are relying on when we are processing your personal data: we operate on the basis of "consent" when sending newsletters (you won't get sent a newsletter unless you have explicitly opted in to receive one).... and we operate on the basis of "legitimate interest" when communicating with you in other ways (e.g. when responding to your enquiry).
Transfer of Personal Data
From time to time we may pass personal data such as your name and email address to other services that we use to send out newsletters and other communications (both electronic and print). However, your personal data will remain in the EU or countries considered by the EU to have equivalent policies such as Jersey, Guernsey, Switzerland, New Zealand and Canada. Companies based in the USA that have certified with the EU-US Privacy Shield programme are also considered to be permitted destinations by the EU (this includes popular US products like Gmail, DropBox and MailChimp).
Our Privacy Policy
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